
Project Charter Document History

1. Executive Summary

[The information in the Project Charter authorizes a project.]

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[The Executive Summary provides a brief overview of the project and provide enough of a description to complete the following sections.

The Project Charter documents the business needs, project justification, current understanding of the customer’s requirements, and the product, service, or result that is intended to satisfy those requirements. If information to complete the following sections is not available, state that it is unavailable, then state the person accountable and schedule for completion.]

The Yorkeys Knob foreshore is that the main recreation park for the residents of Yorkeys Knob. The community petitioned Council to undertake better vegetation management of the foreshore and also indicated a powerful need to see enhancements to the foreshore and Goodwood Park.

The foreshore has had restricted improvements undertaken in recent times and a few of the infrastructure has become very tired.

To address this, a draft Improvement plan and Vegetation Management plan are developed for the area. Extensive public and stakeholder consultation was undertaken in developing the plans. This report provides an outline of the improvement and vegetation management plans and recommends that they be formally adopted.

2. General Project Information

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[Project Title – The proper name used to identify this project; Project ID – The working name or acronym that will be used for the project; Sponsoring Organization – The organization sponsoring this project; Sponsor Representative – The name of the person representing the Sponsoring Organization; Prepared by – The person(s) preparing this document; Version – Version of this document.]

Project Title: ____Yorkeys Knob Improvement Plan _____________________ Project ID: __________________________

Organization: _ Queensland Government________________________


Representative: ___ Cairns Regional Council___________________________________________


Prepared by: ____Rebecca Gould _____________________


Version: ______________1.0_______________

 3. Project Stakeholders

List all applicable project stakeholders.

Position Title/Name/Organisation Phone E-mail
Investor Board of Investment of  Australia
Sponsor Representative
Consulting Architect
Program Manager
Project committee
Project Manager
Project Team Members
Coastal development authorities
Customer/User Representative (s)

4. Project Purpose

[Explain the reason(s) for doing this project.]

The purpose of Yorkeys Knob Foreshore Improvements project plan is to accomplish the goal of beach re-development activities to develop community Recreation Park for the residents of Yorkeys Knob. The activities include vegetation management and beach improvements through infrastructure development.

The Yorkeys has not been fully exploited for recreational activities and tourism destination owing to its poor infrastructure and maintenance. The beach has identified quantities of marine resources and migratory birds that can be viewed in Australia. The Yorkeys Knob area has potential to develop as a recreational centre and a destination to attract local and foreign tourists to have a viewing experience of the rich resources in this area.

The area has potential to offer educative experiences to students and environmental field graduates. Thus, the project purpose would serve to preserve the coastal ecological unit of Yorkeys beach, give protection to existing infrastructure  and certain the continual use of the beach for recreation activities in this area.

4.1. Business Issue

[The Business Issue or Opportunity pertaining to the business is typically an area of “change” needing to be resolved. State in specific terms the issue or opportunity this project will address. Often, the Business Issue is a critical business initiative in the Sponsoring Organization’s Strategic Plan.]

  • Implementation of an inclusive beach improvement and vegetation management plan
  • Establishing funding mechanisms
  • Continuous maintenance of beach as make an attractive destination
  • Developing recreational program and additional beach-exploit facilities
  • Increase in parking space

4.2. Business Objectives

[Define the specific Business Objectives of the project that correlate to the strategic initiatives or issues identified in the Sponsoring Organization’s Strategic Plan. Every Business Objective must relate to at least one strategic initiative or issue and every initiative or issue cited must relate to at least one project business objective.]

  • Beach improvement and vegetation management plan in Yorkeys area
  • To promote tourism in this Yorkeys area, an opportunity for revenue generation
  • To promote the beach area as a destination for educational and research purposes
  • To look for partnership in parking and re-development
  • To gain revenue from recreational activities, water sports, parking and access to research activities.
Strategic Plan Element Project Business Objectives
Nature Conservation Beach improvement and vegetation management plan
Economic Gains Promote tourism
Valuation of Yorkeys Beach Promote educational and research purposes
Funding  and recreation and open space Partnership in parking and re-development
Economic Development Gain revenue from recreational centre development

[Explain what the project is trying to achieve by stating its objectives which should be measurable and defined in terms of the projects major deliverables, effort, cost, tolerances and business benefits expected. State the objectives following the SMART formula (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable, and Timely).]


5. Project Overview

5.1. Project Description

[Describe the project focus, approach, customer(s), and the boundary limits of the project.]

The focus of the improvement project plan is to undertake the development activities of Yorkeys beach area and undertake vegetation management in community development for recreational activities through construction of Project Yorkeys Knob Upgrade in Australia.

This improvement plan will result in development of partnership with the Queensland government and coastal development authorities to re-establish the beach infrastructure and vegetation as the existing infrastructure is limited and beach is poorly maintained due to lack of funds.

The developer plans to restore Yorkey beach area by planting vegetation and building fencing structures. The improvement plan will help in protection of Yorkeys ecological unit and marine resources. This project is focused to provide an enhanced recreational experience to the customers. The customers for this project are identified as local residents, local community, local and foreign tourists, local business owners for recreational activities and parking.

5.2. Scope

[The Project Scope addresses the who, what, where, when, and why of a project. ]

The Yorkeys area has not been fully exploited for promoting tourism, recreational activities and additional beach use activities due to its existing poor infrastructure. The beach improvement and vegetation plan is for community development in Yorkeys area in Australia.

The project proposes to start in October 2017. The development of a local beach at Yorkeys is planned to offer the community cleanliness, drinking water facilities, environmental education, and tourist attraction in Australia.

This project is seeking to open the beach for recreational activities and prepare construction and improvement documents, mention the project specifications, develop a funding mechanism, obtain construction approval and compete the construction activities by March 2017 as its key landmarks for the Yorkeys Knob development.

5.3. Assumptions

[Assumptions are statements taken for granted or accepted as true without proof. Assumptions are made in the absence of fact. List and describe the assumptions made in the decision to charter this project.]

The coastal development authorities will be supportive in coordination of construction approval and activities.

The developer and project committee will attain approval from state and national agencies.

The project committee and others will receive permission from Queensland government.

The program manger, customer representative with sponsor representative will undertake advertisements activities on project completion.

Sponsors and funding will be easily obtained in short time period.

The project will follow the coastal development rules and regulations.

5.4. Constraints

[Constraints are boundary conditions that the project must stay within. List and describe the constraints applicable to this project. Describe the known constraints of the project, e.g. there may be constraints on the amount of resources available to the project or the location of the project team.]


The constraint of scheduling disagreements can impact the time commitment for the project completion. The delay in project poses a constraint in acquiring resources and additional funds. The lack of support from sponsor organisation can be another constraint for the beach improvement plan.

The improper communication from the project team to other responsible parties is a limiting factor for the successful completion of the project.

 6. Project Requirements & Deliverables

[The Project Requirements & Deliverables define what the project must accomplish, including the customer/ user requirements and products / services to be provided by the project and the Work Product delivered.]

The key project requirements and deliverables are:

Plan coordination with sponsor organisation, Queensland government and coastal development authorities for the development and improvement of Yorkeys beach and vegetation management

Prepare the design phase documents and prepare approval documents

Prepare infrastructure construction and development plan

Prepare vegetation management plan

Develop a finding mechanism and strategy

Obtain approval from the different authorities and permission from state and national authorities

Implement construction and development activities

Execute vegetation management plan

Re-open Yorkeys beach for recreational activities and economic development opportunities from local communities.

 7. Project Management Milestones & Deliverables

[Provide a list of Project Management Milestones and Deliverables. This list of deliverables is not the same as the products and services provided by the project, but is specific to the management of the project. An example of a Project Management Milestone is the Project Plan Completed.]

Milestone/Deliverable Estimated Date Responsible Individuals
Planning Phase – Prepare Improvement plan

Prepare vegetation management

Beach Design Documents

Prepare Construction Documents

Acquire Necessary Approval


31.08.2017 Project committee, Project manager, Program Manager, Consulting Architect
Restoration Plan – Construction documents  with detailed project specifications

Copy of Permit obtained


09.09.2017 Project committee, Project manager, Coastal development authorities
Funding – Develop Financing approach

Obtain documents of Queensland Governmental (sponsor Organisation)

Seek permission

18.09.2017 Developer/Board of Investment of  Australia, Sponsor Representative, Queensland Govt., Coastal development authorities
Development Approval –

Final Development Approval Issued

24.09.2017 Queensland Govt., Coastal development authorities
Construction Phase – Contract Initiation

180 days

(October 2017- March 2018)

1.10.2017 Project manager, Project team members, Developer/ Builders/contractors, Consulting architect, project committee
On Completion- Re-Opening Function 15.04.2018 Program/project manager, Project committee, sponsor representative, Customer/User Representative

8. Project Budget & Costs

[Identify the initial funding required by the project and/or committed to this project by the Project Sponsor. Additional funding may be requested and committed, upon completion of the detailed Project Plan.]

Purpose Amount ($) Budget Source
Yorkeys Infrastructure development $ 248000.00 Sponsor organisation
Vegetation managemant $ 78000.00 Sponsor organisation
Salaries of members $ 100000.00 Sponsor organisation
Total = $426000.00

9. Personnel & Other Resources

[Identify the personnel and other resources required by the project and/or committed to this project by the project sponsor. Additional resources may be committed upon completion of the detailed project plan.]

Resources Description
Project Team
Support Adequate budget, Functional and technical documents
Facilities Meeting room
Equipment Land measuring tools,

area survey tools

Software Tools Designing Tools , MS Excel
Technology Internet network

10. Project Risks

[Risks are statements of issues or problems that have the potential to arise but have not yet occurred. List and describe the initial risks for this project.]

The risks associated with this project are:

Inadequate planning of schedules, time and resources which impacts the ability to receive continuous funding

Poor estimation of cost

Inability to obtain desired funding

Absence of involvement of costal development authorities and sponsor in project planning

Improper flow of communication and inadequate reporting

Chances of conflict with state authorities

11. Project Organization

11.1. Project Organization Chart

[Provide a graphic depiction of the project’s organizational structure. The project’s hierarchal diagram begins with the project sponsor and includes all project stakeholders.]

Yorkeys Knob Upgrade Project, Australia
Sponsor Organisation
Project manager
Coastal Development Authority
Project Design Team
Project Committee
Project Finance team
Construction team


11.2. Roles & Responsibilities

[Describe the Roles and Responsibilities of all project stakeholders identified for this project. Include the names of all known users, customers and any other project stakeholders which may be involved in or interested this project.]

Stakeholder Title Name Roles & Responsibilities
Sponsor Queensland Government Funding
Developer Support Project team coordinate with project committee  for approval
Project Committee Manage approval and risk management
Builders/ Architect Project development execution
Project Manager Overall responsibility of the Yorkeys project such as

planning, execution, monitoring till project completion

Prepares and Update project status report for different stakeholders


Project Team members To accomplish project objectives

12. Associated Documents

[Make reference (include location and title and author of the document) to any other earlier work that may include useful information, such as an estimate of the project size and duration, a view of the risks faced etc]

13. Other Information

[If the Project Charter is based on earlier work or an earlier project, there may be other useful information. For any referenced information, include the document name, location, author, final version, and final version date.]

14. Approval Signatures

The Signatures of the people below document acceptance and approval of the formal Project Charter. The Sponsor Representative must have the authority to commit the organization’s resources to the project. The Project Manager is empowered by this charter to proceed with the project as outlined in the charter.

Position/Title Signature/Printed Name/Title Date
Sponsor Representative
Program Manager
Project Manager
Coastal development authority


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