PUBH6007 Program Design

PUBH6007 Program Design, Implementation and Evaluation Assignment 2020


The role of Royal Perth hospital will be explained in the report which provides best quality services to the patients.

Different types of issues faced by the Royal Perth hospital in Australia will be demonstrated in the following study, which causes problems for the employees for providing services to the people.

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SWOT analysis of the Royal Perth hospital will be stated in the report, which helps in meeting with needs and wants.

The strategies required for meeting with issues will be depicted in the report, which helps in solving the issues and problems.

Such strategies are prioritized in the report, which will be used for reducing the issues and problems.

Royal Perth hospital

Royal Perth hospital is a situation in Australia, which provides healthcare and services to the people.

The hospital was established in 1829 and provided services to around 70000 patients by 6000 employees in hospital. Different types of services provided by the employees to patients such as internal medicines, surgical operations, emergency care, trauma, and hematology.

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The employees take care of their patients at high level as they consider this as their first priority. The hospital also assists educational facilities provided to the students with their tie-up with universities so that they could provide services to the people.

This has a link with four major universities in Australia so that they could provide practical and professional knowledge to the people.

This would help in having the well trained and qualified personnel in the hospital for providing services to the people.


Required and perfect services are required to be provided by Royal Perth Hospital, as this has been its first and foremost duty.

The major aim carried by the hospital provides services of care and proper medication to the people in the hospital. The issues that are persisting in the hospital for the delivery of healthcare services are lack of safe working environment in the organization.

The lack of safety and security at the place leads to ineffective solutions provided to the patients. Workplace safety is required in the hospital so that effective services could be provided to the people with proper guidance provided to the employees (Heath et al., 2003).

Workplace safety is required for making the place hygienic and secured system could be provided to the employees.

This leads to management of resources in the hospital so that they could provide services to the patients in an effective way.

The occupational health and safety system of the Royal Perth hospital has been in drastic situations with the decreasing health results provided to the people.

Health and safety are significant in the Royal Perth hospital so that they could assist the patients in a required manner.

Health and safety are required for improving the condition of employees as well as patients in the hospital. This is for promoting quality care services to the people so that they could meet with the conditions of patients (Hill et al., 2015). Lack of safety and security at the place lead to destruction in the services provided to the patients in Royal Perth hospital.

This has made the employees reduce their efficiency in providing safe and secure health services to the patients. Moreover, the lack of occupation health and safety in the workplace gave rise to hurdles for the employees for providing healthcare services.

SWOT analysis

Strength– the strength of the Royal Perth hospital is that it has large number of employees, who are qualified in their working styles.

The hospital is situated at good place which is in approach of large number of people. Transportation facility has also been positive point for the organization.

Weakness– the resistance of employees and lack of technology usage has been the major weakness of the hospital.

Moreover, the load of patients has also been higher. This causes lack of efficiency for providing services to the patients.

Opportunity– the opportunity lies in the Royal Perth hospital is the hiring of new employees who are provided with training and education from the tied up universities.

This improves the services provided to the patients (Lee et al., 2016).

Threats– Lack of health and safety measures and the environment has been threat to the employees and organization. It causes problems for the employees to give services to the problems.

High risks and accidents take place in the organization.


Different strategies have been embraced in Royal Perth hospital so that they could provide the quality care and services to the patients in the hospital.

Occupational health and safety have been the major part of the organization as the safety of employees and patients is first priority of the organization. This also required that adoption of acts empowered by government named as health and safety act will help in managing the safety of employees in the hospital(Yusuf, 1999).

It provides the framework for the protection of safety, health, and welfare of the employees in the organization. It is required for managing the flow of work that needs to be made by the employees so that they could provide the best services to the patients.

The role of health and safety providers is to provide an atmosphere of well-deserved candidates so that they could fulfill their duties in respective manner.

The strategies need to be adopted relates to the availability of hygienic environment, safe workplace, effective handling of tools, cleanliness, proper work area, space for movement, storage of tools, etc.

It will help in help in managing the risks and issues that pertain to the organization that takes place to employees.

These direct impacts on the services provided to the patients by the employees as an ineffective workplace system affects the health of patients (Fatovich et al., 2005).

Thus, it is required to opt for health and safety policies so that mitigation of risks could take place.

The management of work and delivery of quality services to the employees can be made with relevant occupational health and safety in Royal Perth hospital. This is required for grabbing the opportunity in the workplace by providing quality care and services to the employees so that they could make the best use of their skills for providing services to the patients.


The priority of the Royal Perth hospital is to provide the customers with best services, consultation and guidance for the improvement in their health.

This leads them to provide proper guidance and instruction to the employees so that they could provide the quality services to the patients as per their requirements.

This firstly requires the management of hygiene and cleanliness as the wet floor can lead to accidents and severe problems in the organization. Lack of hygiene gives rise to number of problems and diseases at the place which needs to be resolved by maintaining health workplace in the organization.

Secondly, training needs to be assured to the people so that they could be make the usage of tools and techniques in desired manner in the Royal Perth Hospital. This will lead to management of tools in an easy manner by allocating or keeping them at right place.

This helps in reducing the errors and accidents that take place due to mismanagement of tools.

Moreover, proper work area is required to be provided to the employee so that they could take care of their health services that need to be provided to the patients.

This involves great work and opportunity that is taken up by the employees for imparting the educational services to the students as well so that they could accommodate with the policies of the government in a desired manner.

Royal Perth hospital also priorities the storage of equipment at right place in order to save time and cost (Yusuf, 1999). This makes the employees to avail the facilities in the desired manner with the allocation of resources in desired manner.

In addition to this, space needs to keep free in the Royal Perth hospital so that movement of employees and patients could be ensures properly.

This has been the cause of accidents in the hospitals due to space issues and this also affects the timely availability of services to the patients.


From the above report, it gets concluded that major role of healthcare practitioner is to provide the quality care services to the people.

This is required for meeting with the needs of the people and leads to have achievement of objective. Different types of issues faced by the Royal Perth hospital in Australia has been demonstrated in the above report, which cause problems to the employees for providing services to the people. SWOT analysis of the Royal Perth hospital has also been stated in the report, which helps in meeting with needs and wants.

The strategies required for meeting with issues have been stated in the report, which helps in solving the issues and problems. Such strategies are prioritized in the report, which has been used for reducing the issues and problems.


Fatovich, D. M., Nagree, Y., &Sprivulis, P. (2005). Access block causes emergency department overcrowding and ambulance diversion in Perth, Western Australia. Emergency medicine journal22(5), 351-354.

Heath, C. H., Orrell, T. C., Lee, R. C., Pearman, J. W., McCullough, C., & Christiansen, K. J. (2003). A review of the Royal Perth Hospital Bali experience: an infection control perspective. Healthcare Infection8(2), 43-54.

Hill, A. M., McPhail, S., Waldron, N., Etherton-Beer, C., Flicker, L., Ingram, K., …& Haines, T. P. (2015). Reducing falls in hospital through education to change patient and staff behaviour: a stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled effectiveness trial. Physiotherapy101, e984.

Lee, F., Kalathil, S., Schultz, C., Hillis, G., Alcock, R., & Spiro, J. (2016).Improving clinical efficiency, timeliness of revascularisation and cost effectiveness among patients with new onset angina; the Royal Perth Hospital experience. Heart, Lung and Circulation25, S48.

Yusuf, S. (1999).Design, baseline characteristics, and preliminary clinical results of the Organization to Assess Strategies for Ischemic Syndromes–2 (OASIS–2) trial. The American journal of cardiology84(5), 20-25.

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