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Research Methodology

Research Problem

The main objective of the research is “To analysis the disruptive behaviour among secondary school students in Australia” (Oppong, 2013). In order to solve the problem in an effective manner, the researcher proposed the research methodology which covers the data collection method, research design, sampling method, data analysis method, ethical consideration etc. It helps to accomplish the valid outcome of the research problem.

Proposed Research Methodology

Research Philosophy

In the views of Chen et al., (2011) research philosophy is the general view of the researcher which assists in achieving a depth understanding of the research problem. In this, there are three kinds of research philosophies exist such as positivism; interpretivism and realism method is used to analyze the data. The positivism method helps the researcher to determine the real facts and figures of the research issues in order to make good observations. This method is largely depending upon the natural sciences for getting the proper structure of the research problem. On the flip side, interpretivism philosophy assists the researcher to clearly understand the research problems with the development of theoretical knowledge about the subject matter. While realism philosophy is based on the human perception, the actuality of the existing environment as on that basis, the researcher develops their viewpoint about the research problem.

In context to this study, positivism philosophy is best suited for analysing the research problem. It is because this philosophy helps the researcher to find a clear understanding of the topic and analysis the facts in an appropriate manner. However, it would help in properly analysing the reason behind the disruptive behaviour of secondary students in Australian schools (Leitch et al., 2010). At the same time, it will also help the researcher to predict the ways for making students behaviour effective. But in contrast, the researcher wouldn’t choose the other two methods such as interpretivism and realism philosophy. It is because interpretivism is based on the new theory but in this problem, there is no need to develop the new theories. In the case of realism, the researcher wouldn’t need to involve the thought of the existing environment for solving the research problem. That’s why the researcher would prefer to use positivism over the other philosophies.

Data collection method

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According to Rhodes et al., (2014) data collection is the organized process for gathering and evaluating the information which is collected from different sources such as the internet, journals, books etc. this method will prove to be useful for the researcher in terms to achieve the researcher solution of the problems. For this, the researcher would use the two types which are primary and secondary data collection methods. The secondary data collection method provides support to the researcher through use the of books, journals and websites etc. Besides that, the primary data collection method would support the researcher through observation, survey with questionnaires, case study etc. Generally, the researcher used this method largely in their research study due it enhances research effectiveness and generate the valid result. For this research study, the primary method is well suited for the researcher. In regards to this, the survey will conduct through questionnaires in which the sample size is 80. Other than that, questionnaires will prepare for the students with the aim to identify the reason behind their behaviour patterns in their school (Griffiths, 2010). From this method, the researcher could be able to collect the relevant information that would give the authentic research outcome. Moreover, researchers for achieving the deep knowledge about the disruptive behaviour of students, in such case they would also use the books, journals and articles etc. The cause for using both the method under this study is to study the observation and perception of the respondent or generate a theoretical understanding of the student behaviour through books. Thus, due to this reason researcher will select the primary method and the second method.

Research Design

According to Creswell (2013) research design purpose is to develop the plan of a research study in which there is an accurate assessment of cause and effects relationship between independent and dependent variables. In addition to this, there are two types of research design are used by the researcher such as quantitative and qualitative and mixed method. The quantitative method focuses more on the statistical, mathematical or numerical forms to analyse the collected data. While qualitative research is focusing more on the thought and opinions for the research problem (Mitchell & Jolley, 2012). This research includes the focus participation and observation for analysing the data and the combination of both the methods are considered as a mixed method. But in context to study the Australian children behaviour, the researcher would use the quantitative method. It is because the researcher will use the survey to collect the information related to the main cause of the distractive behaviour of the Australian students in the school. Hence, in this case, the quantitative method is appropriate in terms to generate a valid result.

Sampling Method

The sampling method is an essential part of the research study as it helps the researcher to get the relevant data for reaching a valid outcome. In addition to this, the sampling method includes two types of methods such as random/ probability sampling method and non-random sampling method (Levy & Lemeshow, 2013). The probability sampling method is widely used by the researcher due to it gives equal chances to every respondent to get selected and become a part of the research study. Whereas non-probability sampling selects the respondent for the questionnaires based on subjective judgement rather than selecting randomly. Thus, this method is generally used in the case when a technical research study is conducted and in which respondents need to be technicians as they only have sufficient knowledge about the subject matter. At the same time, the non-probability method is also used by the researcher when there is a limited budget, time and workforce exist in that case it is well suited for the study to arrive at the right solution. Thus, the researcher selects the method as per the study requirements.

In context to this, the researcher could use random-sampling instead of the non-probability sampling method (Wang et al., 2012). The random-sampling method would be conducted with the help of a survey by using the questionnaires. It would contribute to the study related to analysing the Australian student’s disruptive behaviours in the school. Through this method, the researcher could be able to develop a clear understanding of the cause of the student disruptive behaviours. It could be stress, overburden in school or parents pressure etc. thus, this method will prove to be most suitable for this research problem. In a similar manner, a researcher won’t use the non-random sampling method because it is found that there is high chances of business exist which have a direct influence over the research outcome. That’s why the researcher would use the primary method over the secondary method.  At the same time, Australian students are targeted as a sample size in order to find out the reason for maximum occurring of disruptive behaviour among the Australian students as compare to other countries students.

Data Analysis

Data analysis is considered to be a vital part of the research study as it covert the data into the valuable information form that would be helpful for the researcher in terms to arrive at a valid research outcome (Anderberg, 2014). Basically, Data analysis is used by the researcher to evaluate all collected data with the aim to create the facts into the information. In addition to this, there are various types of data analysis used by the researchers in their research study. These are the content analysis, statistical, factor and cluster analysis etc use as per the research issue and requirements. In this study, the researcher will use the cluster method because the survey will use through questionnaires so in this regard will present the findings in the table and graph format. Thus, because of this reason the cluster analysis would use by the researcher in order to identify the cause of the disruptive behaviour of the Australian students. Furthermore, Cluster analysis also allows in making group of the sample size in order to find the relevant solution of the problem and it also helps the researcher to make the questionnaires appropriately by covering all the information (Washington et al., 2010). Cluster analysis also presents the data in the tables and graphs format which allows the reader to interpret correctly and reach the final result in a relevant manner.

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Ethical Consideration

For achieving the research in a successful way then there is largely a need to consider ethical issues by the researcher. In regards to this primary study, the ethical issue which address does not to disclose the personal information of the students to anyone. Otherwise, it directly influences the individual life as a person personal information can be used for a false purpose. Thus, this is because it considers as unethical (Ponterotto, 2010). At the same time, proper sourcing of the collected secondary data is considered ethical. Besides that, copyright, plagiarism etc are considered secondary data ethical issues. In order to overcome such issues, there is a need to write the interpretation or content of the file in the own language so that the chances of copying is less in the research report. Moreover, citing the references in the content properly also helps the researcher to avoid ethical issues.

Furthermore, in the survey method, it is unethical if the researcher put the participants in a situation where they might be at risk of harm from the participation (Kosinski et al., 2015). So in this regard, it needs to follow the ethical standards which could be applied with the purpose to protect the privacy of the participation.


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