Sustainable Marketing Assignment Sample

Introduction to marketing sustainability

Sustainable marketing is able to represent the marketing that can promote and develop services and also products to meet the needs of the business user and consumer. This process is able to utilize the responsibility of the human, cultural and natural resources of nature to confirm the better quality of life in the present situation and for the future generation. The aim of this marketing sustainability is to discuss the responses of the students for climate change and there is a need to maintain sustainable lives. It also helps to examine and understand the relationship between climate change, poverty and also consumption.

The challenges are faced by the people in the process of marketing sustainability due to the lack of understanding of the benefits of sustainability appropriately through the business consumers, leaders and different stakeholders. The other challenge of this sustainability is that the profitability loss can be occurred by the business leaders, especially in the case where they do not take the correct examining or testing process of the required initiatives. This is because the wrong initiative can hamper the deal of the business organization with the consumer or with the stakeholders which is able to create the issues in the sustainability of the marketing. This is only because marketing needs the proper involvement of the stakeholders and also the participation of the consumer in it. So, the leaders of the business organization need to focus on the changing nature of the business climate, clients and others to take the proper initiatives according to the requirement within the less time to grow their marketing sustainability.

There are four principles which are able to make sustainability and in this case a natural step framework is taken. In this case people need to reduce the building process of the substances which are extracted from the earth crust. Next principle is to reduce the making of different compounds and chemicals which are produced by society. Another principle is to reduce the natural destruction and physical degradation of the natural processes.  Another is to remove the condition which undermines the capability of the people to meet the basic needs of the human. These all principles are able to make the proper sustainability as these are efficient to develop the nature which helps to make the sustainability of the marketing. The Nike framework adopted methods like manufacturing transformation, use of less energy and reducing the emission of harmful gasses in nature. Building an inclusive and diverse workforce is the priority to make sustainability and Zero waste. This all is able to make a sustainable society which improves the sustainability of the marketing. So, Nike was committed with the sustainable principles in a good manner to a good degree. Nike could do the proper implementation of these steps in the business organization and among the people who can join in this process to make sustainability. Nike has done the arrangements of the various conferences to inform people about the development of the sustainability of nature with the Natural step framework which is able to make marketing sustainability.

Principles of sustainable marketing

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There are different principles in the framework which are able to make sustainable marketing and grow the business (Henninger et al. 2019). At first there is a need to know the role of the customers and their demand to understand what principles should be taken by the people to make the proper sustainability in the marketing.

The role of the consumer to create the environmental conditions

The role of the consumer is able to create the environmental conditions of nature. Consumers use different goods or materials and various things which come from different sources of nature. So, if the demand of the consumer does not need to be made with the substances which are extracted from the earth crust then it is able to create the good conditions of nature. But if the demanded products of the consumers need the help of harmful chemicals or the compounds which have the ability to create damage in nature then it will affect the environment and make damage in the present condition of the environment which is not good for the people as well as businesses also (Bolton, 2021). This is because sometimes business organizations make the products on the demand of the consumers to grow their business but which can hamper the environment conditions.

Discussion on how consumer demand affects the sustainability

Different consumers have their own demand from various business organizations and these organizations also make the products on the demand of the people without examining the chemicals or other materials needed to make the product. So, this process can affect sustainability.

Goods and services required by the cars in the demand of consumer

The demands vary from one to another consumer in the goods and service requirements of a car. It has lots of demands like the design, running speed, body parts of the cars which are made from the different materials. There are some hazardous goods or materials used in the cars which are explosives, different solids, gas, flammable and others. The combustible liquids are used in the cars to make the services smooth and speed. But these are able to affect the sustainability of nature. So, these demands of the consumer affect the sustainability of nature as well as marketing.

Consequences of resource usage

The consumers have various demands on the different products. As an example GHD hair straightners/Wahl 9867 has different features like the copper wire, plastic handles, powder coated handles and lithium ion battery on the basis of the demand of the consumer. So, this product is made with some of the resources which are harmful for nature and affect sustainability of nature (Šević et al. 2020). It also harms the sustainability of the marketing in future.

Economic consequences

Copper mining is the process which can affect the sustainability of nature. It has a bad impact on the contamination of the farmland, drinking water aquifers, loss of various species of water and contamination of the natural habitat of the wild life. It creates a risk to public health.

Principles to make sustainability

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Different principles of the sustainable marketing -  Sustainable Marketing

Figure 1: Different principles of the sustainable marketing


There are four principles which are able to make sustainability and in this case a natural step framework is taken. In this case people need to reduce the building process of the substances which are extracted from the earth crust. Next principle is to reduce the making of different compounds and chemicals which are produced by society (Prado-Roman et al. 2019). Another principle is to reduce the natural destruction and physical degradation of the natural processes.  Another is to remove the condition which undermines the capability of the people to meet the basic needs of the human. All of these are able to make nature as well as marketing sustainability.

Plan for making sustainability marketing in business

The plan to make sustainability marketing in the business is to stabilize the population, eradicate poverty, restore the “natural support system of the earth” and stabilize the climate.

Frameworks for sustainable marketing

Economic model of prosperity without growth

The prosperity can be built on continual growth. Prosperity without growth can harm the economy of a country. So, experts need to make the models which can improve the prosperity of the country which makes it sustainable in the marketing. It requires reducing the emissions of harmful gasses, different pollution in nature for growth.

Triple bottom line framework

Triple Bottom Line framework - Sustainable Marketing

Figure 2: Triple Bottom Line framework


There are different measures in this framework to make sustainable marketing. There are economic, social and environment measures which support this framework. Economic measures represent the Underemployment costs, “Average incomes of employees”, “Revenue by sector” and Employment distribution by sector to make the marketing sustainable. Environment measures represent the Water and energy consumption, Use of post-consumer, recycled materials, emissions of Greenhouse gas, “Fossil fuel consumption”, “Amount of waste generated” and Waste management to understand the present situation of the business and take the steps on the basis of this (Kemper and Ballantine, 2019). Social measure represents the Unemployment rate, “Median household income”, Education levels of the population and “Average life expectancy” so that the business organization is able to implement the required sustainability in their marketing. This is necessary because all of these things are able to make an impact on the environment and the social life of the people.

Natural capitalism framework

This framework consists of four principles like radical resources productivity to save nature, service economics to gain the profit from marketing, re-investment in the business to grow it in future and biomimicry. All of these principles are able to make the marketing sustainability which can advance the business of organizations.

Natural step framework

planning model of natural step framework -  Sustainable Marketing

Figure 3: planning model of natural step framework


There are four concepts that can be used to create sustainability, and a natural step structure is used in this scenario. In this circumstance, humans must speed up the construction of substances extracted from the earth’s crust. The next concept is to reduce the production of various compounds and chemicals by civilization. The reduction of natural destruction and physical degradation of natural processes is another principle (Kushwaha, 2020). Another is to eliminate the condition that jeopardizes people’s ability to achieve their basic human needs. These all elements are capable of ensuring correct sustainability because they are effective in developing nature, which aids in marketing sustainability.

Circular economy framework

This framework is based on the simple principles that are ‘Waste is food’, design out the amount of wastage, build the resilience by the diversity in the business, think on systems and relay the energy from the renewable sources. All of these are able to reduce the challenges in the marketing of the business and make it sustainable in the present situation and for the future.

The sustainable consumer

Existence of the sustainable consumer

According to the discussion of some authors there is not any possibility in the marketing to get the existence of the sustainable consumer. From the evidence it is shown that there is a chance of   discrepancy in the consistency between the actual shares of the market and stated intentions of the sustainable products (Bartholomew et al. 2021). There are some products which can sell with the combination of sustainability and it is done with the self interest like comfort, cost of product, selling price, convenience, speed and style of the leaders. This is able to make sustainability in the marketing of the business.

Green Gap

The TPB helps to understand the green gap which represents that this is the gap between the “green intentions” and “green actions” of the consumers. The TPB shows that leaders need to understand the attitudes and the beliefs of the consumer. Social pressure has the importance as it can grow the motivation of the business organizations to comply with the pressure which may improve the growth of the sustainability of the marketing (Rausch and Kopplin, 2021). The situational control should be maintained by the business leaders to implement the social and also the sustainable behavior of the consumer which is able to create sustainability in the workflow of the business. Accurate price, availability and convenience of the products is able to fulfill the gap. This is necessary because the consumers need to be connected with the business to grow sustainability in the marketing.

Temporal Construal Theory

Temporal construction theory represents that the temporal distance is able to change the response of the people to the future events. It basically happens due to the mental change of the people on those events.  Incidental and concrete details of any events represent the “low level construal” whereas the “perceived essence” of the events is considered as the “high level construal”. Both of this construal has the efficiency to make the temporal construal which supports this theory to make the sustainability in the marketing in the business to understand this thing. These are helpful to understand the temporal changes for the prediction, choice and evaluation of the marketing.

“Nudge/Balance Theory” to close the gap

Different application of the “Nudge/Balance Theory” -  Sustainable Marketing

Figure 4: Different application of the “Nudge/Balance Theory”


The “Nudge/Balance Theory” is able to close the green gap of the market due to its arguments nature which is able to understand the source of the gap and leaders are able to take the initiatives according to this. It represents the argument which stated that unbalanced psychology of fashion purchasing does not connect with sustainability (Sawant et al. 2019). Another argument represents that cues (green logos) are needed by the consumers to “nudge” them towards the purchase of the products by using the balance theory.

Ethical and sustainable marketing

Ethical and sustainable consumption

Ethical consumption is able to make the connection between the product and consumer, the production of the various products. This requires the thought of people before buying any product to understand how it supports or affects the lifestyle of community and people and also the environment.  On the other hand, sustainable consumption can be considered as the use of the products, materials, immaterial services and energy in a proper way which is able to minimize their impact on the environment (Santoso, 2020). It helps to meet the human needs not only for the present situation but also for the future generations.

The required steps to motivate the “greater sustainability consumer”

For motivating the “greater sustainability consumer”, there is a need to ensure the long term purpose of the company. There is a need for the implementation of the competence and sustainability knowledge among the employees to motivate these consumers. Marketing should play a leading role in this purpose. The leaders need to explain the consumer behavior properly to motivate the greater sustainability of the consumers. There is also the need to make greater progress in the marketing of the business of the organization to motivate “greater sustainability consumers”. It helps the marketing to reach the growth within very less timing which is able to grow the sustainability of the marketing.

Barriers and complexity to the sustainable consumption

The main barrier of sustainable consumption is the lack of information. The “lack of trust” in the habits and claims of the consumers makes the barrier for sustainable consumption. Sustainable consumption does not meet with the better quality or with the functionality of the marketing which is able to create the barrier in the sustainable consumption (Pugazhendhi et al. 2018). The poor availability of the marketing products is another issue of sustainable consumption which needs to be reduced by the marketing business to make it proper. The price of the products needs to be within the correct amount but in this consumption this differs for some products sometimes. This is able to create the barrier in this sustainable consumption. So, all these barriers need to be focused by the leaders to remove them.

Future of sustainability

The ethical economies and new green discourages are emerging for sustainability and day by day it increases. So, in the future, radical growth and economic circulation will be done by the sustainability of the marketing. Ecological moderations and different consumption networks will grow for the future. The sustainable consumer essence will grow, evolve and shift in future. It will increase economic and social justice. It helps the marketing by reusing, recycling, fair trading of the marketing products. The sustainability will help to save the energy, desire and celebrate the vintage, buy the community garden and fair trade.

Reference list


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