T/618/5287 Personal and Professional Development in Health and Social Care Assignment Sample

T/618/5287 Personal and Professional Development in Health and Social Care Assignment Sample

Task 1 of 3 – Report


Personal and professional development is essential for improving practices in health and social care. This development refers to improving skills or knowledge according to this sector and adapting all types of current practices, methods and technologies into this sector. “Senior Care Assistant” is a significant designation in health or social care and these individuals are responsible for supervising the whole care assistant team.

1.1 Duties and responsibilities of personal work role

“Senior Care Assistant” is responsible for providing physical as well as emotional support to all patients in healthcare organisations and supervising the whole team of care assistants. For this job role, I became attentive in healthcare details like patient care practices. Apart from that, sensitivity and understanding is another significant criterion for this job role and it guides to understand emotional state of patients (NATIONALCAREERS.SERVICE.GOV.UK, 2023). Being a senior care assistant, I provide effective customer service skills to improve patient care service. For example, I have improved my technical skill to maintain patient data that are stored in advance software like admission and release date along with running medicines or diagnosis tests results. According to Qayyum et al. (2020), in this aspect, this individual needs to improve skill to remain calm in stressful situations and maintain a good flow of work in patient care. This skill guides to manage all situational risk within healthcare institutions and this sector deals with several risk factors.

Another important responsibility of this designation is to work with all team members effectively and collaboratively. This ability guides me to maintain a good care practice in healthcare organisations. This skill guides the emotional standard of all team members and maintains a positive attitude towards healthcare practices and improves good care practice. As stated by Norrie et al. (2020), planning for personal skill development is another essential skill for a senior care assistant it guides to overcome previous fault and ineffectiveness. It guides me to overcome previous faults and ineffectiveness by focusing on previous skills and knowledge. Individual skill development plan also guides me to improve personal skills overcoming all shortcomings in care practice aspects. For example, I have improved my time management skills through this process and it guides me to maintain my work within time that increases patient care practices in healthcare organisations. According to Webster et al. (2020), an “excellent verbal communication skills” is the most important skill for this designation as this individual has to maintain an effective relationship among all team members and patients. This skill also guides to improve relations with healthcare authority in implementing some effective healthcare practices for better patient care facilities.

1.2 Impact of relevant standards in promotion of best practice in health and social care industry

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Relevant business practices are healthcare promotion is essential because it aims for promoting important care practices for better patient outcomes. Standardisation of healthcare practices can enhance individualization by reducing unnecessary work for health as well as social care practices (CNO, 2023). Different factors that maintain a standard in healthcare practices are “protocols, methods, specifications, and terminologies for the collection, exchange, storage, and retrieval of information associated with healthcare applications”. This standardisation provides more time to spend with all stakeholders, especially patients, associate care assistants and healthcare authority. According to Siyal et al. (2019), maintenance of standard in healthcare practices refers to an authoritative statement, which sets out all legal as well as professional bases in healthcare practices. All staff related to healthcare practices maintains protocols set by government or healthcare authority to provide better service and in this way standard of healthcare industry is improved.

Proper methods like “tertiary, quaternary along with home or community care” can be implemented into healthcare practices and it makes better service care. These methods make specifications in healthcare practices and staffs focuses on these areas only, so healthcare practices can be improved. “Retrieval of information associated with healthcare applications” is another standard of this sector that guides to improve patient care practices. “Information retrieval (IR)” refers to a technological implementation into healthcare practices to maintain patient data like health history of patients along with prescribed medicines by physicians. This technology can improve healthcare practices as it maintains rapid retrieval in terms of specific keywords of a patient’s query. “Medical Information Retrieval (MIR)” is another factor in healthcare standardisation that refers to collection of datasets from “doctors, clinics and diagnostic centres”. This information guides to improve healthcare practices by mitigating previous healthcare issues like providing effective medicines and doing tests as per requirements.

1.3 Impact of personal values, belief systems and experiences in working practice

A deep individual sense or values is helpful to ensure reliable care assistant’s behaviour. Healthcare practices provide understanding of health beliefs in patients in more depth and it guides to identify gaps in working practices. As stated by Cave and Dredge (2020), personal values guide to improve work experience by maintaining healthcare practices, beliefs and working practices according to healthcare organisations. Belief systems of a senior care assistant like regions or spiritual beliefs guides to improve decision-making process like regarding patient diet, medicines based on previous health history and personal belief. This belief guides to improve healthcare practices in terms of maintaining patient satisfaction and effective relations with patients. As supported by Dwivedi et al. (2020), personal experience has a significant factor in working practice, especially healthcare as it resists repetition of same mistakes. Risk factors within healthcare organisations can also be mitigated with past experience evaluation. Previous work experience guides to improve healthcare experience as this experience helps in risk management process.


Taking into consideration from above study it can be concluded that a senior care assistant is responsible for maintaining good practices and improving healthcare services. Another job role of senior care assistant is to prepare a care plan for a healthcare organisation and monitor vital signs of patients like blood pressure as well as heart rate measurement. Healthcare standard includes protocols, methods and treatment practice of healthcare organisations. Other important aspects of this designation are individual belief, values and experiences.


Task 2 of 3 – Case Study


Reflective practice refers to a thought procedure of an individual associated with healthcare practices and it considers overall experience to gather deep understanding about healthcare practices. This practice supports an individual in continuous improvement of work quality in healthcare practices for better service to all patients.

2.1 Importance of reflective practice in continuously improving quality of service provided

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Figure 1: Reflective practices


Reflective practices allow senior care assistants to identify previous positive and negative experiences. Job responsibilities of senior care assistants facing some challenging situations within healthcare practice are important because it gathers some effective experience for personal skill betterment. It is also effective to learn from current as well as previous actions that affect future skill development. Reflective practices refer to learning process from past experience towards acquiring innovative insights in terms of self-practices (CAMBRIDGE-COMMUNITY, 2023). Reflection in systematic review for all healthcare practices guides an individual learning from past experience and that makes sure of maximum progress of skill development. Continuously improving quality of healthcare service depends on the proper reflection process of healthcare professionals. It provides practices in healthcare organisations by critically evaluating practitioners of individual responses (HCPC-UK, 2023). This learning process refers to encouragement process in working practices of care assistance. This learning process shares best practice to gain other’s support.

Reflection practice supports professionals like care assistants for maintaining multi-disciplinary team work within healthcare organisations. It maintains a positive attitude and effective collaboration within workplace by maintaining effective relationships among team members. Practise for collaborative skills fosters improvement in healthcare practices and services. This is because reflection practices are mainly based on continuous registration through personal revalidation as well as professional development. As stated by Kim et al. (2019), patient confidentiality maintenance is very essential for care assistants and these can be improved through maintenance of identifiable details of patients. Critical evaluation of the past experience, activity or event can be effective for improving quality of service of a care assistant. Self-evaluation skills are another important skill required for reflective practitioners to improve self-regulation process because it identifies personal weaknesses. This is because it focuses on self-assessment and identifies personal shortcomings according to responsibilities of senior care assistants.

2.2 Impact of reflective practices in working ways improvement

Reflective practices refer to identification of personal skills or knowledge in professional aspects. This identification guides to develop those skills as well as overcome shortcomings. Reflective practice is an important activity of any processionals to improve professional skills and knowledge because it is mainly based on skills development process. According to Farrell (2020), for a senior care assistant, collaborative skills and task management skills are very significant. It is because collaborative skills guide to improve team management skills by maintaining effective relations. Collaborative skills depend on effective relationship building approaches that can be improved through effective verbal communication skills. Task-management skills are another important aspect, which can be improved through effective reflective practices. For this aspect, proper time-management, decision-making and problem-solving skills need to be improved. These skills can be improved through proper planning or implementing different practices. Reflective practices maintain a proper time-framing to improve a particular skill or gain more knowledge in a specific aspect. As supported by Zaid et al. (2020), it is very helpful for any practitioners to maintain proper planning in personal development. Reflective practices also guide to improve personal skills or knowledge as it includes proper resources like watching online videos.

2.3 Importance of evaluation of personal performances

“Employee Performance Evaluations” is considered as an essential practice of any professionals, which is helpful to identify good work as well as efficient performers. In the views of Phadermrod et al. (2019), this evaluation provides positive reinforcements in carrying out all tasks properly because positive reinforcements are essential in boosting workplace morale. It is also essential for maintaining good performances of practitioners. For senior care assistant’s personal performance evaluation provides best healthcare services to all patients. It provides a stepping-stone to identify as well as discuss areas in case performance can be improved. Personal performance evaluation development ensures improvement of business practices by making proper-decisions and managing all risk situations. As supported by D’Isanto et al. (2019), personal evaluation of a care assistant guides one to understand properly to maintain self-performance according to vision and goals of a healthcare organisation.

2.4 Role of feedback for evaluating personal performance and inform development

Effective as well as timely feedback is considered a critical component for successful performances of professionals and it links in performance development goals. According to Jug et al. (2019), positive as well as negative feedback allows improving personal skills or performances and it provides a possible solution for performing better. Feedback creates a healthy flow of communication that positively affects future performances. Feedback develops motivation for learning new practices like healthcare practitioners, especially for senior care assistants. This is because feedback motivates employees to overcome their limitations and weaknesses. As supported by Watling and Ginsburg (2019), effective feedback can encourage a professional to acquire goals and objectives of healthcare organisations by directing proper guidelines for approaches. Apart from that, feedback guides us effectively to understand individual strengths and weaknesses. This identification guides to build further motivation for team members.

2.5 Identify sources of support for planning and reviewing personal development.

Several resources are required for supporting personal development plans. Some effective sources are formal or informal conversations with team members and other practitioners within organisation. Documents of team meetings and seminars are effective resources for supporting planning and reviewing personal development. From these resources, feedback is gained through conversation that guides to improve professional development. Other sources for professional and personal development are “effective supervisions of seniors, appraisals, observations and professional discussions”. These sources are all informal resources that provide significant motivation to develop personal and professional skills. Observations of some efficient and experienced healthcare practitioners can improve personal development processes.


It is essential for providing better opportunities for healthcare practices as it guides to manage all expectations that are reinforced or clarified in evaluation of personal performances. “Effective supervisions of seniors, appraisals, observations and professional discussions” can be effective for providing support for planning and reviewing personal development.

Task 3 of 3 – Development Plan and Report

3.1 Review of personal learning needs and improvement opportunities

Personal learning requirement refers to improvement of individual skills and knowledge. This learning requirement also guides me to overcome personal shortcomings. I have reviewed my skills and knowledge as a senior care assistant and it has been identified that communication along with task management skills need to be improved. According to Maedche et al. (2019), an effective personal development plan needs to be improved for reviewing personal learning needs and improvement opportunities as a senior care assistant. This plan guides me to understand my own strength as well as weakness for being an efficient care assistant and maintain a good healthcare practice flow within a healthcare organisation.

I have identified that excellent verbal communication skills are important for these professionals as they have to maintain effective relationships with all stakeholders of healthcare organisations through interaction. As supported by Tavakoli et al (2020), business management skills are required for care assistants as this skill guides to manage team members from all situations. Business management skills also include financial intelligence along with technical skills and it can be improved by attending related courses. Emotional intelligence is another important skill of care assistants that guides to improve professional skills by working with some experienced business leaders. PDP of an individual guides to improve professional development plan along with identify different opportunities.

3.2 Personal development plan

Skills Actions for improvement Resources Time-framing
Communication skills Communication skills can be improved through maintaining proper communication improvement strategies like “Receiving and Implementing Feedback and Active Listening”. Resources for improving communication skills are observations on senior or experienced care assistants. Apart from that, these skills can be improved through joining a training course or classes. Attending some conferences and seminars it can be improved. Within 6 months
Task management skills Task management skills can be improved through proper management and complete tasks as per priority. Maintenance of realistic deadlines and creating an effective job schedule can be improved. Task management skills can be improved through proper division of tasks among team members. Proper grip of change management can improve task management skills. Watching online videos and attending some seminars can improve this skill. These skills can be improved by completing management courses and course material can be effective resources for this skills. 3 to 4 months
Business management skills Decision-making skill improvement with evaluation of daily activities can improve this skill. Attendance of course related to financial skill is needed. Numerical and technical skills are also required to improve these skills. Completion management training is considered a source for these skills. Working under guidance of some efficient and experienced business leaders can be a good resource for improving business management skills. 6 months
Technical skills Gaining knowledge in different advanced technologies like “safeguards patient safety” and “artificial intelligence (AI)” is required for improving support system of healthcare practices. Course material of a technical course is an effective resource for these skills. Online videos and books related to technology can be a resource for this skill. Within 6 years


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