Social Corporate Responsibility

Employability of the Social Corporate Responsibility (CSR) Sector in the United Kingdom


Currently, the perusal of an MBA degree offers the benefit in terms of knowledge, career opportunity, and package. At the same time, it is useful in availing these advantages in personal as well as professional life. However, work experience adds values to this degree and enhances the importance in working environment presently (Korschun et al. 2014).

It is really helpful for those students who have working experience and participates more actively in class room sessions during the course of MBA. Also, they can showcase their piratical knowledge along with theatrical knowledge.

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I have opted the MBA course to gain specific knowledge in a particular domain while observing the various benefits of an MBA. For this, I have chosen a pre-experience placement route.

Although, I have working experience helpful in future to get the opportunity to work in a county like Unites States and to gain the experience to work under an international corporate environment (Epstein, 2018).  Apart from this, it would gradually help me in order to upgrade my professional skills and direct me to continuously grow in my career.

In regards to working globally, I expect that it would help to develop a better understanding of my desired job field and profile that is corporate social responsibility.

I seek for the practical and live working experience in this domain while having hands on. Also, the international working experience showcases my ability to work with diverse workforce associated with different beliefs and cultures. It would also provide the issues pertain to international corporate challenges.

Moreover, I am sure that it would be a meaningful and creative working experience for me (Edmans, 2012). As I always believe that while working in the field of corporate social responsibility, I would be able to explore and experience the real-life application of theories and concepts learned in MBA classroom sessions.

Under this portfolio, my professional aims and objectives will be discussed. Also, it will examine corporate social responsibility in the labour market in the United Kingdom. Lastly, this will present my professional qualifications and acquired knowledge through an MBA to get the placemat in the desired field.

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Aims and Objectives to Support in Sourcing and Securing a Placement

This part consists the research part of corporate social responsibility in the labour market of the United Kingdom. During this research, the demand its intensity for the job profile of corporate social responsibility will be analyzed (Zhang et al. 2014). Also, suggest the ways to enter into CSR labor market including selection practices.

Evaluation of Labor Market Trends to Placement Preferences

Under this, there is a need to discuss emerging research on Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) in the labor market in the UK. In this manner, it is quite essential to examine the demand level in concern of the CSR jobs and to provide some important suggestions as to how to get the CSR jobs under the labor market by accessing it in the UK.

At the same time, the different methods of recruitment as well as selections procedure are also required to be discussed in this part of this study (Crowther and Seifi, 2018).

The Corporate social responsibility implies as the integrated specialties helpful in creating the social impact over products and services also business practices. At the same time, it is also known as suitability practices showcase the accountability of adopted business practices towards society (Brown and Knudsen, 2015).

This idea is based on that strategy that fulfillment of corporate social responsibility is proven helpful to increase the organizational profitability in the long run.

According to sources of the labour market, it is identified that the market has less number of vacancies. It can be scrutinized in context to organization perspective towards social corporate responsibility and suitability processes.

On the other hand, CSR is still the tool for building up organizational brad and part of marketing strategies; however, there are also organizations that are promoting the CSR activities engaging existing staff instead of hiring new resources (Hąbek, and Wolniak, 2016).

While considering this fact, now organizations reach on the conclusion to hire particular designation in CSR and candidates having experience of higher level will be considered.

Resulting in, A U.K. based sustainability career advisor named Shannon Houde advised that to adopt green and sustainable initiatives in the current job for availing the knowledge of this field.

In fact, illustrate that to become a CSR professional leadership and effective communication is foremost qualities and mandatory as well. It is very important to have the skills of taking initiatives at the right moment and ability to approach the appropriate person in case of the requirement (Clacher and Hagendorff, 2012).

Additionally, CSR personal must be aware about the latest trends in this area to be updated. Thus, it can be stated that communication and taking accountability and fulfilling them is very important in this profession and helpful in connecting with the public, also maintaining faith among people.

Apart from above, another trend under the CSR and sustainability is the adoption of social media as in present.Most of the organizations are using the social media as a tool for addressing the several issues related to CSR in concern of their customers because they prefer to buy the products from the brand which is adopting the practices of CSR and Ethics.

In this manner, Intel can be considered as a good example of the CSR and sustainability which uses the social media for promoting the organization’s practices in respect of decreasing the carbon emission under the industry (Horowitz, 2015).

In a similar manner, they also prefer to use social media with respect to determining how their CSR activities are perceived by the customers.

Analyze the Different Recruitment and Selection Methods

In concern of recruitment and selection process, a survey has been conducted in the UK in which, the highest marks achievers of graduates considered the environmental performance of the company and its reputation as the main concern areas while applying for a vacant position.

At the same concern, another survey has also been organized by the British Carbon Trust on the organization that was established by the UK government. In this survey, the same result asthe previous survey has been found by the researcher (Colombo et al., 2019).

The results of the second survey represented that around 1018 employees in whole preferred the organization which has the appropriate compliances as well as regulations with respect to reducing the carbon emissions.

In like manner, one more study has also been conducted by Stanford Graduate School of the Business and its findings indicated that more than 90% MBA degree holders preferred to forgo the number of financial benefits in respect of work towards an organization along with the effective image in concern of the corporate social responsibilities and the ethics (Husted, 2015).

On the basis of above survey outcomes, it can be mentioned that because of the increasing importance of CSR and sustainability in the recruitment process, most of the organizations have resorted to an HRM system that is identified as the “Green Human Resource Management (GHRM)”.

Moreover, the practices under the Green Human Resource Management are similar like the practices of Human Resources Management that is why some people consider the GHRM same as HRM components of “Environmental Management”.

Apart from this, Grayson and Hodges (2017) argued that the GHRM framework is completely based on the organizational facts that are related to the successful implementation of the environmental strategy under the organization. In this way, this strategy is basically depended on the employee’s participation and contribution.

In addition, under the GHRM, employee’s qualification is considered as the important areas to be focused by the HR management.

In this manner, Andrew Cartland who is the founder as well as director of Acre which is an international recruitment firm in terms of sustainability mentioned that it is not required to have the education in the area of sustainability because of the willingness of learning as well as the capability for understanding the CSR’s changing dynamics (Jackson et al., 2018).

As per the facts, it is finalized that the sustainable MBA graduates have been facing the several difficulties while applying for the jobs because facts reveal that most of the sustainable jobs are only for the mid-career professionals.

Thus, due to the emergence of Green Human Resource Management, the popularity of green recruitment and selection has been increasing day by day. Under the green recruitment and selection, a proper set of environmentally friendly practices like the increasing use of technology for decreasing the travel and prevention of paper printing, etc. is being consisted (O’Connor et al., 2017).

At the same time, nowadays, organizations also prefer candidates who have knowledge of CSR andthe environment.

Personal Profile

This is one of the best chapters that discuss about personal life. In this, it can be determined that first of all, I developed the curriculum vitae that were necessary for me. As well as, it is also needed for me to formulate my curriculum vitae as per the corporate social responsibility because, without this, it was not possible for me to get the job.

In relation to this, I made so many changes in my CV as well also I also look at different sites and the experts’ format of the CV and accordingly defined the CV also. I selected one of the best formats and made the changes in my CV accordingly.

Apart from this, I also developed the elevator pitch that was also necessary for me to show my skills and abilities. I know that the first impression is the last impression so I wanted to present myself in a better way so, the possibilities to choose me for the desired job can be increased.

In my, I also discussed some important terms related to corporate social responsibility such as sustainability, environmental issues, and climate change. It was effective for me to put my effective impression on the recruiter side.

I also mentioned some examples related to the CSR, climate change. I mentioned that during my college, different programs related to the CSR are organized, and I was one of them to manage all program and aware the other students regarding the change in the climate and the environment.

Creating an Online Identity

In order to develop the personal and the professional identity and my first experience on LinkedIn that is the good platform of the personal and professional development.

During my MBA, I didn’t make any LinkedIn account; it created some issue for me. But at the same time, after MBA, I made the LinkedIn account that was effective for me and it was like to learn different things related to the personal and the professional life.

In the use of this account, I learned that there are various ways that can be used to target the other employees and how to manage the work and to get the job also. In like manner, LinkedIn was a good platform for me to get the idea about to define and make the CV. Finally, I can say that for better communication, management, achievements, and experiences LinkedIn is better.

Google Search

Sometimes, it is seen that the employers can search the name of the candidate on search engines like Google after looking a strong LinkedIn account. A potential employer can be impressed when you are found on Google for inviting that candidate for a first interview.

On the other hand, if the candidate has a common name than it is essential to learn to differentiate from others. It is because the common name confuses the people due to finding the wrong person. However, it is important for a candidate to keep the person online present before sending job applications to other organizations.

When I searched my name on Google, then I didn’t find out any crucial information about me. But when I found my mane on several web-pages with different keywords, then I found my name on the website of the previous university where I have studied.

At the same time, I found my name on the website of my former employer that was I used to manage. In the discussion of previous sections and recent trends in the CSR sector, I have indicated that the use of the internet and social media is very important for advocating environmental issues.

However, it is believed by me that the online presence is supportive for a person as well as my potential employer may request me for promoting SCR issues of the company. If I don’t know online self-promotion, then it may be my weakness.

Overall Reflection

Lastly, I showcase my aims and objectives which I have determined based on the SMART framework. After that, the CSR (corporate social responsibility) labor market was analyzed. At the same time, due to the continuous increase in the use of social media people are now aware of it and vacancies are advertised. I have also reviewed green recruitment and selection that is included in GHRM (Green Human Resource Management).

The above portfolio section delivered knowledge related to my profile, and Changemaker Hub provided instruction to change my CV. I also shared my experience as delivering and practicing my ‘elevator.’ At the end of this portfolio, I analyzed my online identity as my LinkedIn account that shows my online presence.

I reflected on my online identity development after establishing the benefits of online identity to develop oneself market. It is discussed some important CSR labor market trends for considering and application of my online identity.


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