Assignment Sample on UMCDMW-15-1 Introduction to Business and Management

1. Introduction

This report is conducted based on the classical and human relation approaches used in organizations. Human relation approaches are evaluated to identify how this approach can become the future of organizing. The impact of classical approaches on contemporary society is analysed in this report. A detailed comparison between human relation approaches and classical approaches is conducted to identify the best-suited approach for the organizations. This report can help organizations to explore the best possible approach for their business operations. This report can provide key lessons on approaches that organizations can consider in the future. Post-bureaucratic and virtual organizations influenced by human relation approaches are discussed in this report.

2. Main Body

2.1 Evaluation of human relation approaches

The human relation approach represents management as a study of the behaviour and activities of employees at work. According to Sterling et al. (2017), the importance of the relationship between social aspects and productivity can be evaluated using human relation approaches. According to Elton Mayo’s theory, business managers need to consider organizational behaviour to analyse the activities and behavioural aspects of employees. This theory states that the productivity of the employees depends on the satisfaction of employees inside the work environment. According to Jepson et al. (2017), the overall performance of an organization depends on the quality of relationships among the employees. Organizations need to consider human relations approaches to improve the productivity of their employees.

The human relation approach was used in a banking waiting room experiment where 14 male members were assigned to a small workgroup. This experiment is conducted to evaluate how the productivity of the employees can be influenced by social factors. This experiment is conducted to explore if highly efficient workers can influence less efficient workers. The employees were paid based on their efficiency and during this experiment, the salary of individual employees was affected by the performance of the entire group. According to Bradley and Ade (2018), business managers need to have a basic understanding of human relations approaches to maintain the productivity of their employees. The research professionals identified that the employees of the group had set their standard efficiency and the efficiency was enforced by social factors. Based on this example it is clear that social factors have a significant impact on the efficiency of the employees.

2.2 Evaluation of classical approaches to management

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Classical management theory is based on the assumption that employees have physical and economic needs. According to Majhi and Dansana (2021), social needs and job satisfaction are not considered in classical management theory. However, factors such as labour, decision-making, and centralized leadership are considered in this theory. According to Fuddin (2020), classical management theory helps to explore an ideal workplace based on three main aspects such as hierarchical structure, specialization, and incentives. Hierarchical structure in a workplace is divided into three different layers in this theory. The tor layer includes the owners and board directors and they set the long-term objectives. The middle layer includes managers who are responsible for monitoring the supervisors.

The bottom layer of the structure includes supervisors who handle day-to-day activities and solve business problems.  Specialization in the theory refers to the assembly view of a workplace where large business tasks are formed into small tasks. According to Vidicki (2020), classical management theory considers that employees are motivated by financial rewards.  According to Laura and Fahad (2017), classical approaches include scientific, administrative, and bureaucratic management. Scientific management considers the best possible way to conduct a task whereas administrative management focuses on contemporary managerial functions. Bureaucratic management focuses on establishing guidelines to formulate clear procedures, rules, and separation of labour. As argued by Ferdous (2017), Classical approaches can be utilized to operate managerial functions and formulate rules, procedures, and labour separation. Scientific management Organizations such as Nucor Steel, Costco, and MillerCoors use a classical approach to management to manage their employees and operations.

2.3 Comparison between classical approaches and human relation approaches

Classical approaches to management and human relation approaches are based on different assumptions and viewpoints. As argued by Denysenko and Shevchuk (2020), classical approaches mainly focus on economic and physical aspects, whereas human relation approaches consider the relationship between social aspects and productivity. Organizations can utilize human relation approaches to evaluate the behaviours of their employees and the impacts of social factors. As argued by Linke (2019), organizational behaviour is a crucial part of human relation approaches and the managers need to have a basic understanding of human behaviours. The interpersonal relationships among the employees at work need to be monitored to enhance organizational behaviour. Organizations can utilize human relations approaches to increase motivation among the employees and production rates.

The classical approach to management helps organizations to address economic and physical factors which can impact the productivity of employees. According to Belyantseva, Panenkov, and Safonova (2017), the main objectives of the classical approach are a division of labour, effective leadership, and financial motivation. The projects, tasks, and problems inside an organization can be easily divided into smaller pieces using the division of labour. As argued by Terentyeva, Konvisarova, Levchenko, and Borovitskaya (2018), the efficiency and productivity of an organization can be enhanced by effective labour division. The classical approach considers the financial factors which motivate the employees, organizations can offer incentives, bonuses, and salary hikes to motivate their employees.

Classical approaches to management consider that having an effective leader inside the organization can increase the overall performance of a business operation. As argued by Sirotkina, Golikova, and Romashchenko (2018), business leaders are responsible for making important decisions and monitoring day-to-day activities. The important relationship between social factors and productivity is the main focus of human relation approaches and the organizational behaviour inside an organization can be enhanced using this approach. As argued by Anyim (2020), the Classical approach to management can help companies to establish an ideal workplace where the work operations are divided into small parts to effectively manage day-to-day activities.

2.4 Suitable approaches organizations should consider in the future

Organizations need to choose a management approach that can help them to effectively structure their business operations. According to Kovaleski and Pagani (2020), the accessibility of advanced technology and the internet allowed organizations to deploy reliable management approaches to their business. However, companies need to choose the best suitable approach for their business to manage their employees and work environment. As argued by Ngoma and Piven (2018), the Human relation approach helps organizations to identify the relationship between productivity and social factors. However, the theory risks employees being socially and emotionally attached when they are making any decision. This may affect the overall performance of the employees. Despite the flaws of the human relations approach, the approach has the potential to improve employee retention rates and productivity.

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Classical approaches to management focus on physical and economic factors, this theory helps organizations to create multiple layers of employees to improve productivity. This approach is followed by various organizations however this theory mainly focuses on the business tasks and does not focus on the personal issues of the employees. As argued by Fisenko, Khegay, and Stepanyan (2018), the Classical approach fails to identify the feelings and emotions of the employees. The overall productivity and effectiveness of a workplace can be affected if the organizations are unable to address employees’ relationships and the physiological aspects. As argued by Dimitriadi et al. (2020), the Human relations approach helps organizations to evaluate the social factors and how these factors can influence the productivity of workers. Based on the above discussion on the classical and Human relation approaches, it is clear that organizations will be benefited if they consider human relation approaches in their business.

3. Conclusion and discussion

3.1 Discussion

Classical approaches to management and human relationship approaches are globally used by companies to conduct their business operations. The classical approach focuses on a traditional organizational structure that consists of different organizational layers. However, the human relations approach addresses the social relation of employees within an organization. As argued by Berkachy and Donzé (2019), the classical approach is based on the assumption that physical and economic factors influence the motivation of employees. However, the human relation approach considers non-economic factors such as psychological and social factors.

Based on this theory it can be said that social and psychological factors play a major role in the efficiency of employees. The classical theory of management considers employees as a part of the management structure. As argued by Machfud and Wulandari (2020), employees are considered as social beings who react to management in a human relation approach. Organizations can improve the overall productivity of business operations by addressing the social and philosophical aspects of employees.

3.2 Conclusion

Theories of classical and human relation approaches are evaluated to obtain an in-depth understanding of these management approaches. Organizations who are facing challenges to manage and motivate their employees should implement a human relations approach because it can help them to consider the social and physiological aspects of their employees. Companies can enhance the efficiency of their employees by improving organizational behaviour and social aspects. The classical approach can help businesses to establish an effective management structure by dividing projects and tasks and problems into smaller pieces. Factors such as effective leadership, division of labour, and financial motivation can be achieved through the classical approach.


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